Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My favorite Greek thinker

Perikles was one of the most important greek thinkers. He was chose general 15 times.He also made Athens democracy. The city had more freedom.He also had rebuild Athens after the persin war.He wanted to make Athens the best place in the world. Thats why Perkiles is the best greek thinker.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I thing hector did the wrong thing. I thing he should have let the guys with the arrows kill him. I geuss he didnt want to lose his prideof bing the prince.I wouldn't fight Achilles because I knew i would have died. So Hector did the wrong thing fighting Achilles one of the best fighters in the world

The Myth of Osiris

Osiris was the king of the world. His wife was Isis the queen. His brother Seth was very jealous because his brother Osiris was the king of the entire Earth. Seth also wanted to become the king of the whole world. So he came up with a very sneaky plan to kill Oiris. He will create a box so he can trap him into it. He invited a lot of people to a party. He also planed to kill his brother right there. So the people were trying to get in the box ,but none of them fit in the box.When it was Osiris turn, he fit perfectly in the box.It was his death tome. So Seth locked up Osiris, cut him up to pices, and pushed the box in the lake and left him there to die. So Isis found all of the pices from Osiris and put him back together and broght him back to life but he had to be come the ruler of the under world. Then Oiris son killed Seth and thats the end of the storie.