Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A New Version of Orpheus

Opheus loved music. One time his land did not have any water. So his song made water come on to his land. Everybody love his music so much they made him king of his land.Opheus went for a walk in the forest to lisen to the wind then he started to playand a girl came out of the tree. Her name was Eurydice. One day she went for a walk in the forest. and she was bitten by a snake. So Opheus went to go save her from the under world. When she met up with her she was already at Hades kindom. But he played to the king his music, but he was not impperesd. Opheus played to the queen and she begged the king to let Eurydice go with Orpheus. So the king made a deal with Orpheus he cant not look behind him and Eurydice was behind him. when he was near the end of the cave he turn around to see if she was there and her soul went back to Hades.She was gone forever. he made a horrible noise with his music and it was cause ing bad things to happen. they went and killed him.They tore his body parts lim to lim. THE END

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar was the king of Rome. Before he was the king of Rome he was the governer from spain.When he was the kingof Rome he hunted Pompey his rival. When he found him he defeated his army. He went to Egypt to show Pompey's head.Since Caesar was very popular, in 46 B.C they named him the dictator of Rome. THen he ran into a mob of sixty senitors who had stabed he to death.