Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A New Version of Orpheus

Opheus loved music. One time his land did not have any water. So his song made water come on to his land. Everybody love his music so much they made him king of his land.Opheus went for a walk in the forest to lisen to the wind then he started to playand a girl came out of the tree. Her name was Eurydice. One day she went for a walk in the forest. and she was bitten by a snake. So Opheus went to go save her from the under world. When she met up with her she was already at Hades kindom. But he played to the king his music, but he was not impperesd. Opheus played to the queen and she begged the king to let Eurydice go with Orpheus. So the king made a deal with Orpheus he cant not look behind him and Eurydice was behind him. when he was near the end of the cave he turn around to see if she was there and her soul went back to Hades.She was gone forever. he made a horrible noise with his music and it was cause ing bad things to happen. they went and killed him.They tore his body parts lim to lim. THE END

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar was the king of Rome. Before he was the king of Rome he was the governer from spain.When he was the kingof Rome he hunted Pompey his rival. When he found him he defeated his army. He went to Egypt to show Pompey's head.Since Caesar was very popular, in 46 B.C they named him the dictator of Rome. THen he ran into a mob of sixty senitors who had stabed he to death.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My favorite Greek thinker

Perikles was one of the most important greek thinkers. He was chose general 15 times.He also made Athens democracy. The city had more freedom.He also had rebuild Athens after the persin war.He wanted to make Athens the best place in the world. Thats why Perkiles is the best greek thinker.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I thing hector did the wrong thing. I thing he should have let the guys with the arrows kill him. I geuss he didnt want to lose his prideof bing the prince.I wouldn't fight Achilles because I knew i would have died. So Hector did the wrong thing fighting Achilles one of the best fighters in the world

The Myth of Osiris

Osiris was the king of the world. His wife was Isis the queen. His brother Seth was very jealous because his brother Osiris was the king of the entire Earth. Seth also wanted to become the king of the whole world. So he came up with a very sneaky plan to kill Oiris. He will create a box so he can trap him into it. He invited a lot of people to a party. He also planed to kill his brother right there. So the people were trying to get in the box ,but none of them fit in the box.When it was Osiris turn, he fit perfectly in the box.It was his death tome. So Seth locked up Osiris, cut him up to pices, and pushed the box in the lake and left him there to die. So Isis found all of the pices from Osiris and put him back together and broght him back to life but he had to be come the ruler of the under world. Then Oiris son killed Seth and thats the end of the storie.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


My name is Hephaetus.My mom Hera threw me off the sky for my dad Zeus,wouldn't eat me.When I landed in Earth,my legs broke.So,I was a crippled baby.This lady comes and fishes me out of the water.She thought I was a tadpole!Crazy lady was about to eat me!Later on when she found out that I was a baby she kept me.I was a good at making jewlery with shells.When I was older she took me to a prade and my real mom finds me.Then,she takes me of to Olempyes and I find out that I have a lot of brothers and sisters.Later on,i find out that I am the smith-god!So,my mom finds me a home in the mountians are.Also, my wife is Aphordide.So, when I look back at my life it is pretty good.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Menes was the first pharaoh in ancient Egypt.He also fond the first dynasty.Menes built a new capital city called Memphis.Menes dynasty lasted for about 2OO YEARS.He already had the part of upper Egypt.He wanted to take over Lower Egypt to, so badly when he took over the lower part of Egypt he married a princess from there.
Menes was a great King.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

please respond about Gilgamesh

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


In Mesopotamia it is very hard to control the weather.There are always flash floods.Even the rivers dry up.The neighbors keep on attacking us.What should we do?