Saturday, May 29, 2010


My name is Hephaetus.My mom Hera threw me off the sky for my dad Zeus,wouldn't eat me.When I landed in Earth,my legs broke.So,I was a crippled baby.This lady comes and fishes me out of the water.She thought I was a tadpole!Crazy lady was about to eat me!Later on when she found out that I was a baby she kept me.I was a good at making jewlery with shells.When I was older she took me to a prade and my real mom finds me.Then,she takes me of to Olempyes and I find out that I have a lot of brothers and sisters.Later on,i find out that I am the smith-god!So,my mom finds me a home in the mountians are.Also, my wife is Aphordide.So, when I look back at my life it is pretty good.

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