Saturday, May 29, 2010


My name is Hephaetus.My mom Hera threw me off the sky for my dad Zeus,wouldn't eat me.When I landed in Earth,my legs broke.So,I was a crippled baby.This lady comes and fishes me out of the water.She thought I was a tadpole!Crazy lady was about to eat me!Later on when she found out that I was a baby she kept me.I was a good at making jewlery with shells.When I was older she took me to a prade and my real mom finds me.Then,she takes me of to Olempyes and I find out that I have a lot of brothers and sisters.Later on,i find out that I am the smith-god!So,my mom finds me a home in the mountians are.Also, my wife is Aphordide.So, when I look back at my life it is pretty good.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Menes was the first pharaoh in ancient Egypt.He also fond the first dynasty.Menes built a new capital city called Memphis.Menes dynasty lasted for about 2OO YEARS.He already had the part of upper Egypt.He wanted to take over Lower Egypt to, so badly when he took over the lower part of Egypt he married a princess from there.
Menes was a great King.